Saturday, December 29, 2007

Beans and Rice

While some may eat to live, I live to eat.

I realize, of course, that not everyone is fortunate enough to have that luxury. Sure, I ate my share of beans and rice, p.b. & j, and boxes of mac and cheese as a poor twenty-something, working as a barista, trying to pay rent in D.C. But I am grateful that I have always been blessed with at least that much.

In fact, I still love beans and rice. I find great comfort in piling my beans and rice high with salsa, white cheddar cheese and some fat-free sour cream - no, it's not gourmet fare, but this is a meal that's hearty and healthy, not to mention cheap and easy. My carnivorous husband has learned to adjust, when at least one night a week I forego the meat and opt for this, the meal that reminds me of the good ol' days.

Many people ask me how and I why I’ve built my career around food. The answer is that I simply love food and I love to eat. When I chose my major, “Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise” as an undergrad at Virginia Tech, I couldn't imagine a more interesting (and indulgent) subject to spend four years focused on – I literally ate my way to graduation. My favorite class was one in which we made 5 different versions of chocolate cake and had to taste each one (I should add my least favorite classes involved organic chemistry, biochemistry and physiology) –I think I got an A+ in that one.

So as I embark on my maiden voyage as a "blogger," I join thousands, if not millions, of others in this blogosphere that are just as enamored with food as I am. I cannot claim to be an expert in anything, really, but I love food and am pretty passionate about it. Moreover, I am intrigued by how our relationship with food is changing and growing interest in our food supply. But I write this mostly because I live to eat.

Welcome to the Live to Eat Blog.

1 comment:

  1. I can attest that most of the things she eats (and I eat, for that matter), she also cooks. In fact, I'm munching on some delicious biscotti as I type. It ensures I remain "a growing boy"...growing outward...
